Sunday, January 9, 2011

Back to the Future

T-9 hours and 9 minutes until total mental liquidation! If I could choose one word to describe this past week...I am incapable of thinking of such a word; although "AHHHH!!" comes to mind. At some point I even began to believe that I would pull out enough of my hair to be considered for a rogain campaign...but I digress. Its been a total struggle getting to this point. Through sacrifice of time and money, and degredation of work and personal relationships, I'm still breathing. Although, I finally understand the figurative meaning of the "emotional roller-coaster".
But, you know, these are the moments we live for: being awkward and alone in an airport 1,500 miles away from what we consider to be "home", waiting for a flight and actually understanding what it means to finally DO something. If you take nothing else from my blog, remember this: Everyone has a drive and a purpose. We love things, we love people; we pursue things, we pursue people. But sometimes what you believe is the "best" thing [the best person] for your life, actually turns out to be the one thing that will kill you in the end. This one obsessive thing; you push and fight and try to control; because you honestly believe life, no matter how beautiful, would be cruel and dull without it. Its true, love and passion are amazing emotions, but we should strive to love and be passionate about the goals and people that won't corrode and destroy every part of us in the process. This is difficult, because in order to do this, we HAVE to give up our need for control. To my point: There were times when I didn't want to do this, when I didn't feel like there was a way out...but I have no doubt that I was meant to be here, right here, in this strange and awkwardly quiet airport seat. I don't know why, but I am happy.

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