Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Concerning Paths

Its only when you have to rely solely on yourself do you actually find who you are.

We are all walking around in a figurative dark, messy room, looking for the light. On our way we may stumble and fall over the chair in the center, but most of us pick ourselves up because if we don't we'll just be lying there, in the darkness, wishing someone would turn on that stupid light. What I mean to say is, nothing in our lives will change if we don't get up and change it. Yes, cliche, I know...but sometimes the most "superficial" cliche is quite insightful.

I believe we all really do want to find ourselves. But we don't want to be uncomfortable in the process. I'll take myself, for instance. I have no confidence and in order to balance that I thought I needed "someone special" in my life. I couldn't ever be "alone". I prayed every night to find the "love of my life" so I could just feel better, but as long as I looked, the "right" person never fell into my arms. I kicked and screamed, asking "why can't I just have what I want?"... but I didn't want to hear the answer.

This journey is not even close to over, but with every step I learn something about myself that I never knew. It's giving me the confidence to actually understand and appreciate who I am, as well as, who I should become. I was worried about coming to Prague alone, but I see value in doing the things that I am meant to do. Although, sometimes I'm not sure what they might be. I believe that if we just stop fighting about what WE want to do in life, we will actually make a difference in this world. Let me explain: We all walk around in this dark room and "God is light". If we just listen and ask for directions, we will stop running the wrong way.

Beauty and confidence lie only within understanding and following each of our own, unique paths.


  1. Hi Meaghan,

    You are an incredible individual, always remember each step we take brings us closer to ourselves.

    Take care over there!

  2. Hi kate!

    Thank you for your wonderfully encouraging words. Its always nice to read a comment. :) I hope all is well in Ohio!

    Best Regards,

  3. Meagan,
    Love the blogs, keep writing :)

  4. Honey,
    Keep up the good work. It is a real inspiration to read your blog. I really love the young woman you have become. Love, Mom
